Passion. Perfection. Results.

Children are first assessed to determine a group or Station. Strokes are then constructed systematically, with specific goals at each Station. Regular assessments are conducted and once elements of a station are mastered, swimmers are promoted to the next station. In this way, progress at DMSS is never static...
Fees start from P1,100 per month for 2 classes a week, with a minimum term of 14 weeks.
Our High-Performance coaching focuses on quality training. Divided into 3 squads; entry-level, junior, and senior elite, our main goal is to train each swimmer efficiently with personalized interaction. Emphasis is given to mental preparedness, race strategy, and 'perfection' in stroke technique...
Fees start at P1,400 per month for 3 classes per week, with a minimum term of 14 weeks.

Our Adult program is designed for adults who would like to learn an array of skills - from overcoming fear of water, to learning and refining strokes or even Masters events and triathlons. Classes are tailor-made to suit individual needs and held at convenient times including mornings, evenings, and weekends.
...Fees start at P1,190 for 1 class a week for a course of 7 weeks.
This is a foundation programme designed for children at a Nursery School level. Children learn through fun to gain confidence in the water. Lessons are conducted in the morning while children are at school and we provide transport. Safety remains a high priority!
... Fees are determined at each partnering school.

Service Excellence

"DMSS is one of the most reputable swimming schools one can ever send their kids to, not only is it a swimming school, it builds great long lasting friendships for children and this is by love, support and discipline offered by professional staff and coaches. I think DMSS align with a quote that says: Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding in the twentieth! This school looks good from both the outside and the inside. To be honest your school is succeeding because it offers sustainability, support, growth and diversity. It's good to see kids of colour coming together and uniting." - Kabo Komanyane
"It's the service culture - excellence, empathy, passion, perception diligence and a whole lot more as they celebrate diversity, gender equality, and women empowerment... We love you guys!" - Gerald Moyo
"I love the relationship between your coaches and students. They are basically the brothers and sisters who are there to help one excel. You train one from zero to hero, from nobody to somebody. The best elite swimmers have gone through DMSS. You are basically the best in Botswana. Your internationally recognized certificates are also helpful because they help one get the best opportunities. Keep up the good work. Thank you for your love, professionalism, trust, discipline, support, focus and dedication." - Pearl Maburu